
Investor information includes both legal information about investors and the specifics of their investment in a Fund.

Get All Investors Associated with a Fund

Get all Investors who have invested in a specific Fund associated with your token.


This endpoint retrieves all Investors for a specific Fund.

Path Parameters

        "id": "843703d4-ff7b-4f52-816e-e79ceee1c1c8",
        "investment_account": {
            "legal_name": "Jack Hill, LLC",
            "display_name": "Jack Hill",
            "address": {
                "line_one": "123 Main Street",
                "line_two": "Suite 3",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "ny",
                "postal": "10009",
                "country": "US"
            "bank": {
                "account_name": "Jack Hill",
                "account_number": "08604847",
                "bank_name": "Bank Name",
                "routing_number": "147299826",
                "swift_code": "AAAABB11222",
                "additional_instructions": "Instructions."
            "phone_number": "555.555.5555",
            "fax_number": "777.777.7777",
            "investor_type": "joint",
            "joint_legal_name": "Jack and Jill Hill",
            "joint_email": "",
            "entity_type": "llc",
            "entity_subtype": "partnership",
            "trust_type": "irrevocable",
            "trust_subtype": "descendants",
            "tax_id": "291-01-9101",
            "tax_id_type": "ssn"
        "primary_contact": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "middle_name": "Ralph",
            "last_name": "Hill",
            "email": "",
            "full_name": "John Ralph Doe"
        "team_members": [
                "member_name": "John Ralph Hill",
                "member_email": ""
                "member_name": "Jill Hill",
                "member_email": ""
        "date_invited": "2021-09-24T21:46:45.271Z",
        "commitment_amount": "20000.0",
        "management_fee_amount": "400.0",
        "management_fee_percent": "2.0",
        "expense_reserve_amount": "0.0",
        "total_capital_due": "20000.0",
        "contributed_amount": "20000.0",
        "contributed_at": "2021-09-24T21:46:45.271Z",
        "total_received": "20000.0",
        "unfunded_commitment_amount": "0.0",
        "carry_percent": "20.0",
        "ownership_percent": "66.6667",
        "life_distributions": "0.0",
        "net_asset_value": "0.0"

You must replace FUND_ID with the UUID of the fund you are trying to access.

You must replace YOUR_JWT with the JWT provided to you by Flow.

curl "" \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JWT"

Good to know: Investor information is scoped to specific funds in which they have invested. While you may have multiple funds associated with your API token, you will need to query each fund separately in order to obtain information on all of your investors.

Get Single Investor

Get a single Investor who has invested in a Fund associated with your token.


This endpoint retrieves a single Investor you have access to.

Path Parameters

    "id": "843703d4-ff7b-4f52-816e-e79ceee1c1c8",
    "investment_account": {
        "legal_name": "Jack Hill, LLC",
        "display_name": "Jack Hill",
        "address": {
            "line_one": "123 Main Street",
            "line_two": "Suite 3",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "ny",
            "postal": "10009",
            "country": "US"
        "bank": {
            "account_name": "Jack Hill",
            "account_number": "08604847",
            "bank_name": "Bank Name",
            "routing_number": "147299826",
            "swift_code": "AAAABB11222",
            "additional_instructions": "Instructions."
        "phone_number": "555.555.5555",
        "fax_number": "777.777.7777",
        "investor_type": "joint",
        "joint_legal_name": "Jack and Jill Hill",
        "joint_email": "",
        "entity_type": "llc",
        "entity_subtype": "partnership",
        "trust_type": "irrevocable",
        "trust_subtype": "descendants",
        "tax_id": "555-55-5555",
        "tax_id_type": "ssn"
    "primary_contact": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "middle_name": "Ralph",
        "last_name": "Hill",
        "email": "",
        "full_name": "John Ralph Doe"
    "team_members": [
            "member_name": "John Ralph Hill",
            "member_email": ""
            "member_name": "Jill Hill",
            "member_email": ""
    "date_invited": "2021-09-24T21:46:45.271Z",
    "commitment_amount": "20000.0",
    "management_fee_amount": "400.0",
    "management_fee_percent": "2.0",
    "expense_reserve_amount": "0.0",
    "total_capital_due": "20000.0",
    "contributed_amount": "20000.0",
    "contributed_at": "2021-09-24T21:46:45.271Z",
    "total_received": "20000.0",
    "unfunded_commitment_amount": "0.0",
    "carry_percent": "20.0",
    "ownership_percent": "66.6667",
    "life_distributions": "0.0",
    "net_asset_value": "0.0"

This request requires both a FUND_ID and an INVESTOR_ID.

As above, you must replace YOUR_JWT with the JWT provided to you by Flow.

curl "" \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JWT"

Last updated